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AI Financial Statements

Fundamental analysis made easy with AI! Use AI to quickly analyze financial statements and get key insights.

Get AI Financial Statements

AI Financial Statements Key Features

AI-Powered Analysis

Leverage AI to quickly analyze financial metrics and get key findings.

No Input Prompt

We automate out the need to manually enter an AI prompt to generate key findings.

Bullish & Bearish Indicators

Use AI to identify bullish and bearish indicator key findings in the reports.

Financial Statements

Analyze balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statements.

Analyze Financial Trends

Select multiple past financial statements for AI to analyze financial trends.

Financial Outlook

High-level financial outlooks using quarterly, annual, and trailing 12-month statements.

Quickly analyze financial statements

AI Financial Statements Key Takeaways

  • AI-powered fundamental analysis of financial statements.

  • Analyze balance sheets, cash flow, and income statements.

  • Get bullish & bearish indicator analysis and key findings.

  • Select multiple past financial statements to analyze trends.

  • No input prompt, just select a stock and press start.

  • Save time by automating the analysis of financial statements.

Simplify fundamental analysis

What are AI Financial Statements?

AI Financial Statements makes fundamental analysis easy by integrating with the OpenAI API to quickly generate key insights for company financial statements.

Analyze company balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statements, easily and efficiently. Traders use AI to identify financial trends and summarize financial data, which helps them trade smarter.

Fundamental analysis is an underutilized technique by retail traders because it takes a lot of time to manually analyze the financials of a company. Instead, gain a fundamental analysis edge in your trading by using AI to optimize your workflow.

Stocksift AI Financial Statements
Stocksift AI Financial Statements

Fundamental Analysis Made Easy

Use AI to generate bullish and bearish fundamental indicators. Our AI Financial Statements uses the OpenAI API to analyze financial statements and highlight bullish and bearish fundamental indicators.

Select multiple past financial statements to analyze financial trends and quickly get a sense of the company's financial health. We provide access to historical financial data, up to 30+ years worth of financials per company.

Choose the financial reporting period for the financial statements, ranging from quarterly, annual, or trailing-twelve-month. With the help of AI, fundamental analysis is efficient and accessible technique the retail trader can use to trade smarter.

AI Financial Statements FAQ